Our Jake is back home…

Jake, along with his pharmacy, came home from the animal hospital today after spending the night in their ‘deluxe’ accommodations wearing his clear cone and a pretty blue bandana.

Jake - Post Op

The pharmacy consists of steroids, pain killers and antibiotics (all pill form) which they told my husband he took right out of their hands. The medication we got for pain on the weekend can’t be administered because it reacts with the steroids and not in a good way.

Then there are the drops to be put in his ears. That should be fun with him wearing his cone and his right ear flap full of stitches. We’ll find a way. It might require taking the cone off but then when we’re here, he can have it off anyway. It’s beginning to look pretty rough. Have no idea how he did it but he managed to chew it sometime between the time he had his breakfast this morning and when my husband picked him up this afternoon.

Jake surprised them, too, this morning with how clean his ‘deluxe’ accommodation was. It was almost like he’d not been there at all. He would be well and truly shamed if he did his business inside. And when we’re home, we’re his slaves. He can run in and out as he pleases (huge fenced-in back yard) and almost always waits until we’re both busy to scratch at the door.

Glad to have our boy home.

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